Puncta Segmentation with SciJava Scripts (headless)
Using SciJava Scripts we can automate the execution of sequential calls to ImageJ ecosystem functionality. Scripts written in any of SciJava’s supported scripting languages will be automatically discovered and searchable within napari-imagej, just like other commands.
Notably, all SciJava Scripts can be run headlessly; since SciJava Scripts can headlessly call classic ImageJ functionality, SciJava Scripts allow running classic ImageJ functionality without the ImageJ GUI.
For this example, we translated PyImageJ’s Puncta Segmentation into a SciJava Script. This SciJava Script can be executed in napari-imagej or in ImageJ2, increasing portability!
For more information on the use case itself, please see the original PyImageJ Puncta Segmentation example.
This Use Case was run with the following Mamba environment:
mamba env create -n ex-segment -y -c conda-forge python=3.11 openjdk=11.0 napari=0.5.0 napari-imagej=0.2.0
and napari-imagej was configured to use the following endpoint:
To run this use case, the following settings were used. For information on configuring napari-imagej, please see here.

Configuration for the Puncta Segmentation use case
The Code
The script for Puncta Segmentation is written below:
#@ Img ds_src
#@ ConvertService convert
#@ DatasetService ds
#@ OpService ops
#@output org.scijava.table.Table sci_table
from ij import IJ, ImagePlus, Prefs
from ij.measure import ResultsTable
from ij.plugin.filter import ParticleAnalyzer
from net.imglib2.algorithm.neighborhood import HyperSphereShape
from net.imglib2.img.display.imagej import ImageJFunctions
from org.scijava.table import Table
# save the ImageJ settings since we need to ensure black background is checked
blackBackground = Prefs.blackBackground
# if using a dataset with a light background and dark data, you can comment this line out
# otherwise, the background will be measured instead of the points
Prefs.blackBackground = True
# convert image to 32-bit
ds_src = ops.convert().int32(ds_src)
# supress background noise
mean_radius = HyperSphereShape(5)
ds_mean = ds.create(ds_src.copy())
ops.filter().mean(ds_mean, ds_src.copy(), mean_radius)
ds_mul = ops.math().multiply(ds_src, ds_mean)
# use gaussian subtraction to enhance puncta
img_blur = ops.filter().gauss(ds_mul.copy(), 1.2)
img_enhanced = ops.math().subtract(ds_mul, img_blur)
# apply threshold
img_thres = ops.threshold().renyiEntropy(img_enhanced)
# convert ImgPlus to ImagePlus
impThresholded=ImageJFunctions.wrap(img_thres, "wrapped")
# get ResultsTable and set ParticleAnalyzer
rt = ResultsTable.getResultsTable()
# set measurements
IJ.run("Set Measurements...", "area center shape")
# run the analyze particle plugin
IJ.run(impThresholded, "Analyze Particles...", "clear");
# convert results table -> scijava table -> pandas dataframe
sci_table = convert.convert(rt, Table)
# restore the settings to their original values
Prefs.blackBackground = blackBackground
Note that the code is mostly the same, with the following exceptions:
Calls to ImageJ Services using the ImageJ Gateway (e.g.
) are replaced with Scripting Parameters (e.g.#@ ConvertService convert
)Java Classes are imported using the
syntax, instead of usingsj.jimport
.Calls to
are removed - automating the process means we don’t want to see these.The output is a
, not a pandasDataFrame
. We don’t need to perform this conversion in napari-imagej; napari-imagej takes care of that for us!
Installing the script
Copy the code block above and paste it into a new file called Puncta_Segmentation.py
. As for where to put that file, the rules for adding SciJava Scripts to ImageJ2 also apply when adding scripts to napari-imagej if you are using a local ImageJ2 (e.g. a subdirectory of Fiji.app/scripts/
However, when napari-imagej is not provided with a local ImageJ2 instance, it must download one. This ImageJ2 can be tucked away, so napari-imagej will by default look within the ImageJ base directory for a scripts
subdirectory, which must then have further subdirectories that contain your scripts. This behavior can be controlled via the ImageJ base directory in napari-imagej’s settings.
Without changing this setting, placing Puncta_Segmentation.py
in a subdirectory of <path-to-napari-imagej-git-repo>/scripts
allows napari-imagej to discover the script.
If the ImageJ base directory has been changed, instead place the script in a subdirectory of <path-to-imagej-base-directory>/scripts
Running the script
Note: this example was tested running with a ImageJ directory or endpoint of sc.fiji:fiji:2.13.1
With napari-imagej running, the first step is to open the input data. We’ll download the same sample data as the original PyImageJ example, available here.
The second step is to find our script within napari-imagej. Discovered SciJava Scripts can be found under their filename; so we search for “puncta segmentation”

exposed within the napari-imagej searchbar as Puncta Segmentation
Double-clicking on PunctaSegmentation
will bring a modal dialog, prompting the user for input data. The dialog also offers to display the resulting table in a new window, which may be preferred for large result tables.
Once the “OK” button is clicked, the resuling table is displayed in a new window, or a new napari widget, based on the option you selected above: